Wednesday, October 30, 2019

TUI the largest and leading tourism company in Europe Case Study

TUI the largest and leading tourism company in Europe - Case Study Example The second chapter reviews the relationship between environment and tourism as well as its implications to TUI. The third chapter analyzes the performance of TUI and it's those features that contributed to achieve the No.1 position in tourism and shipping industry. It further explains the key unmatchable factors that have made TUI far ahead of its market competitors. In the end the current structural changes in different business fields are discussed and TUI's response to these changes with its corporate strategies and business models. In order to complete this paper, a meticulous research has been done on available information on the subject of tourism and contribution of TUI in this field. A variety of case studies and few books and online journals were reviewed. Online available resources are given special precedence than available library books because there is no specific book available about a particular tourism company. It is the biggest limitations of this research that in co mparison to available web-based resources, hard copy books are not readily available specifically about TUI. TUI is abbreviated for Touristik Union International and it was established in 1968. As Preussag AG, it remained a renowned organization in transportation and industrial sector till 2001 when it became a 100% subsidiary of Preussag AG. In next ear, Preussag AG was transformed into TUI AG. During next few years, TUI developed and changed its production from industrial segment to a modern tourism and shipping company. At present, the company has an extensive network all over the world

Monday, October 28, 2019

Torture in the United States Essay Example for Free

Torture in the United States Essay Torture has existed all over the world for millennia but what is torture in America today? The C. I. A. and the F. B. I. have recently used torture against terrorists who were suspected to have vital information concerning American safety. Since torture is illegal in the United States, most of this torture took place at Guantanamo Bay in the southeastern corner of Cuba. Detainees at the detention camp were not entitled to any of the protections of the Geneva Convention due to the fact that Guantanamo Bay is not considered to be within legal jurisdiction of the United States. Captives at the camp were subject to horrendous â€Å"enhanced interrogation† techniques such as waterboarding, hypothermia, stress positions, and sleep deprivation. Martin describes torture as â€Å"†¦ a stain on our great country. † Even though torture has been known to produce answers and in return save lives, it is still an immoral act. The point of torture in Guantanamo Bay is to extract information from prisoners of war to aid the war effort in Afghanistan and Iraq. Waterboarding is an â€Å"enhanced interrogation† technique used by the C. I. A. and other military groups. When one is water boarded, water is poured over the face to simulate the effects of drowning. Waterboarding can cause extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage, and lasting psychological effects. Molin describes how waterboarding works: â€Å"The individual is bound securely to an inclined bench, which is approximately four feet by seven feet. The individual’s feet are generally elevated. A cloth is placed over the forehead and eyes. Water is then applied to the cloth in a controlled manner. As this is done, the cloth is lowered until it covers both the nose and mouth. Once the cloth is saturated and completely covers the mouth and nose, air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds due to the presence of the cloth. This causes an increase in carbon dioxide level in the individual’s blood. This increase in the carbon dioxide level stimulates increased effort to breathe. This effort plus the cloth produces the perception of ‘suffocation and incipient panic,’ i. e. , the perception of drowning† (Molin). â€Å"Cold cell† torture is another torture technique used by government officials. Also known as hypothermic torture, Bardes tells us, â€Å"Government operatives praised hypothermic torture as the most effective of all the techniques they employed. † Inmates are put in an air conditioned cell that blasts cold air until they are forced to shiver for hours. The body temperature of the captives drops and can cause brain damage and heart failure. A stress position, or submission position, places the human body in such a way that a great amount of weight is placed on just one or two muscles. For example, a subject may be forced to stand on the balls of his feet and then squat so that his thighs are parallel to the ground. This creates an intense amount of pressure on the legs, leading first to pain and then muscle failure. Sleep deprivation, another commonly used technique, has been used to keep prisoners awake from twenty-four hours up to six days. Houk explains, â€Å"It’s a primary method that is used around the world because it breaks people. It is effective because it induces severe harm. † Enhanced interrogation is ineffective at producing reliable information. The most common technique, waterboarding, does not yield reliable information on a regular basis. Extreme pain and stress can actually impair one’s ability to tell the truth. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a torture subject connected to Al-Quada at Guantanamo Bay, was water boarded more than 150 times. He was thought to have known the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden or his courier. During his torture sessions, Mohammed gave false names and places just to end his torture. Mohammed was also witnessed counting seconds until the torture ended on his fingers because he memorized how long it would last. While Khalid Sheikh Mohammad did eventually talk to interrogators, the information he gave was deemed unreliable. Extreme pain and stress can actually make it harder for a victim to tell the truth. Punishing duress can affect the brain’s ability for cognitive function and memory processes, therefore doing the opposite of that intended by â€Å"enhanced interrogation. † Some people say that torturing prisoners of war is acceptable because it can save lives of soldiers and citizens alike. This is simply not true. The opposition or enemy is more likely to be outraged when they find out that their friends and fellow combatants are being tortured. For example, one reason many Iraqis despise Americans is because the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib was a prisoner of war camp in Iraq in which American soldiers tortured and abused suspected combatants and terrorists. Captives were electrocuted, beaten, put in stress positions, sexually abused, and deprived of sleep in order to force information out of them. Pictures taken of this abuse showed captives were forced to stack on top of each other naked, creating a pile of living bodies. In another instance at Abu Ghraib, a prisoner had his hands bound and hung from the ceiling with a bag over his head. He eventually suffocated and his body was destroyed, leaving his family with no body to bury. This infuriated the community when the pictures were released. An American citizen contracted to work in Iraq was captured by insurgents and was decapitated on video as a direct result of the mistreatment at Abu Ghraib. In the video, masked men explain that they would not stop slaughtering Americans until the torture at Abu Ghraib had been redeemed with blood and souls. It is time to end torture. Some torture leads to more torture. Torture in China has spread like wildfire and has been subjected to almost 4 million people in â€Å"re-education† camps. Watts elaborates on Chinese torture, â€Å"†¦brutality and degradation are common in Chinese prisons. † One thinks of Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and Rwanda when he thinks of crimes against humanity. If the United States wishes to avoid such company, it must completely reject the crimes against humanity rather than defending or rationalizing them. Americans must realize that torture is unacceptable, immoral, and cannot be justified by war.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cellular Phones on the Road :: essays research papers

Cellular phones are one of the most widely and most popular forms of communication today. Cell phones are so easily accessible and portable that it only makes sense that cell phones and automobiles will sometimes go together. Cell phones are a cause of some of the accidents we see today, but does this mean we should ban the use of them all together or just change the way we go about using them?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An article published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997, reported the results of a study of 699 drivers in Canada. All were phone-using drivers who had been involved in a collision. The study concluded, â€Å"Collision risk is four times greater if you use a phone while driving† (Burk). In another study conducted by Accident Analysis and Prevention Journal in 1998, found that if a driver is in an accident while using a wireless phone, the chances are nine times greater that it will be a fatal accident.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a lot of controversy going on right now and so far New York is the only one state that has outlawed the use of cellular phones while driving. Many other states are in the process of trying to get this new law passed. As for Missouri, the legislation is still in committee and we wont know any more until the next time they meet to discuss this, in January 2002. Talking on a cell phone, in my opinion, while driving is no more dangerous that lighting a cigarette, operating the radio or dealing with children and I don’t think there is much chance of getting all of these things outlawed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A 1996 study be the Japanese National Policy Agency found that â€Å"many phone-related crashes occurred while the driver was responding to a call, which included being startled or distracted by the ringing, dropping the phone or tuning to pick it up† (Burk). If people would just be smarter about how they use their cellular phones by doing things such as, not responding to a call while in a trying traffic situation, setting the phone on a lower ringing volume while in their vehicle, etc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Many people who use wireless phones while they drive argue that the benefits of their phones (flexibility and convenience) outweigh any potential risks† (Radelmeier 27). Almost all of the people, who responded to a survey given by Motorola, argue that wireless phones increase their flexibility.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Worst Sinner in the Scarlet Letter

People are not always what they seem to be. Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter shows that everyone sins but some people’s sins are worse than others. The Scarlet Letter shows Chillingworth’s sins throughout the book. One of Hawthorne’s intentions was having Chillingworth as the worst sinner, because he used his herbs to keep Dimmesdale alive-he prolonged Dimmesdale’s torture, he used â€Å"black medicine†, and when Dimmesdale stopped taking the herbs, he passed away. Roger Chillingworth came to town with the Indians, and Hawthorne described them as outcasts and dwellers of the forest.Roger had learned all his tricks and medicines from the Indians and therefore was able to prolong Dimmesdale’s torture through using herbs. Chillingworth says, â€Å"Don’t think that I will lay a finger on him and interfere with Heaven’s work of punishment†¦ let him live. † Chillingworth never physically laid a hand on Dimmesdale, but he kept him healthy using the herbs to make sure that Dimmesdale would endure the torture of his affair, mentally and physically. Chillingworth knew exactly what he was doing to Dimmesdale.He said it would have been better had he died right away than endure seven years of vengeance. Here Roger is admitting that he has spent the last seven years using his herbs to keep Dimmesdale alive because death would be too easy. Roger Chillingworth was described as giving â€Å"black medicine† to Dimmesdale. Him using this was a way to punish Dimmesdale for wronging him. The term â€Å"black medicine† is in correlation with the devil, as if Chillingworth is acting as Satan to get back at Dimmesdale.While talking with Dimmesdale he says, â€Å"Wherefore not; since all the powers of nature call so earnestly for the confession of sin, that these black weeds have sprung up out of a buried heart, to make manifest an unspoken crime? † Here, Chillingworth is expressing his us e of the â€Å"black medicine†. What he is using are weeds he found at the cemetery, and he is explaining them as nature's punishment for people who have committed hidden crimes. Chillingworth is hinting that the medicine he is giving Dimmesdale is nature’s way of making sure Dimmesdale is getting the punishment he deserves.Roger’s sin here is that he is one with the devil and carrying out actions only the devil would use through the â€Å"black medicine†. Once he stopped partaking the herbs given by Chillingworth, unfortunately, Dimmesdale died. This is proof Chillingworth used the herbs to stall Dimmesdale’s untimely death. At their home, Chillingworth offered Dimmesdale medicine. â€Å"But methinks, dear Sir, you look pale; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you. Will not my aid be requisite to put you in heart and strength to preach your Election Sermon? Dimmesdale passed on the medicine, knowing Chillingworthâ€℠¢s intentions. Chillingworth was described as being a â€Å"leech† and feed off of Dimmesdale’s pain, but when he collapsed and died on the scaffold the next day, he had nothing left to live for and died soon after. It is not a coincidence that Dimmesdale died so soon after being clean of herbs. Death was not a part of Chillingworth’s plan, and Dimmesdale was able to escape Chillingworth’s torture by stopping his medications and dying. Roger Chillingworth is the worst sinner in The Scarlet Letter.He prolonged Dimmesdale’s torture through herbs and was one with the devil. Roger Chillingworth never laid a hand on Dimmesdale throughout the book but he mentally got to him over the seven years. The herbs kept Dimmesdale alive just so Roger could get his revenge through the torture. When Dimmesdale passed away after stopping the herbs Roger Chillingworth had nothing left to live for, and died shortly after, because as the â€Å"leech†, he no longe r had anything to feed off of. Roger Chillingworth was not always the man that he seemed, he had something deeper in him and was the worst sinner.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Musical Influence on Drug Abuse

Musical Influence on Substance Abuse English 1302 Professor Young Sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. This commonly used phrase sums it up pretty well. It seems as though anytime I hear anything about a rock band, especially from the 1970’s or 1980’s there is some sort of drug abuse somewhere along the line with at least one or more of the band members, and this will usually result in the break up of the band or the death of a member.Well I started getting sick of rock music getting a bad wrap when it comes to drugs and heavy drinking, so I want to know, does the music preference or type of music a band or person play have a direct link to the type of drug they prefer to use? Did that music cause the individual to use these certain drugs, or are people that already use these substances drawn to a certain type of music? There are any questions to be asked when looking at the different music genres and the people involved with its drug of choice.Is crack and cocaine a pro blem in the ghetto’s because of rap music, or are these drugs in rap music because they were already prevalent in the ghetto’s? Do people take hallucinogenic drugs because it enhances the repetitive music they listen to, or are people getting into these type of drugs and then being drawn to that type of music because it intensifies the feeling of the drug. There are many questions that need to be asked and answered when it comes to musical preference and drug preference.Some studies have been done, but I have yet to find anything conclusive, mostly just statistics about where people are going that do these drugs, not what they are listening to. I am to dig deeper into this issue and find out if there is something more than just the type of music or type of person. I feel as though some drugs are around certain types of music and people for a reason. Whether it is to intensify the listening pleasure of that individual, or if it has nothing to do with the music at all an d it is just the individual’s preference.I for one believe there is some sort of relationship between the two, I just don’t know what that is, yet. Rap music is one of the newest genres of music, but even rap has evolved to involve drug references in almost all of the most popular songs. A study done for addiction research and theory about changes in drug use being prevalent in rap songs showed that drugs were mentioned in 63% of rap songs, versus only about 10% of songs in other music genres.Rap music saw a large influx in the use of lyrics about drugs starting in the early 1990’s with marijuana being the most frequented drug mentioned. Some could argue that the crack cocaine epidemic that started in the ghetto’s in the early 1990’s had a big influence in this, but then why is marijuana the most mentioned? My outtake on this is that people started using harder and harder drugs, making marijuana less taboo as the years went on, so now it is just se cond nature to talk about marijuana, it’s not as bad as it was once thought to be.One example this article discussed was that rap artist Dr. Dre once said in a song â€Å"I don’t smoke weed or sinse, ‘cause it only gives a brother brain damage, and brain damage on the mike don’t manage. † Then, one of his very next album was named â€Å"The Chronic,† and hit triple platinum. Ironic? Maybe a bit, but was he doing this purely to sell records, or was marijuana something Dr. Dre enjoyed and wanted to pay it tribute? I am going with the latter explanation. Seeing as how he has had many more songs since the release of that album glorifying the use of marijuana.Next I wanted to take a look at the hard drugs and heavy drinking associated with the rock n’ roll lifestyle. If you take a look back at any great or largely influential band there is almost always traces of drug use and drinking. This has even proved to be the reason many of these ban ds do not still exist in today’s world. Try to find a picture of Slash, a guitarist for Guns n Roses, from the 1980’s, without him carrying around a bottle of Jack Daniels, it is nearly impossible. Most every rock n’ roll band from the 1980’s has a history of hard drug use and very heavy drinking.Because of the rock music? Or is it that these artist have always enjoyed hard drugs and drinking, but now that they are in a successful rock band they can afford more of it. Did the entertainment industry ruin these artist by turning them into drug addicts and alcoholics? In all my readings it seems to point in one direction, and that is usually these people have always had issues with drug use or alcohol, but now, with little to worry about and more money pouring in than they know what to do with, combined with the rowd they are now associating themselves with, they let these substances take over their life, and before they know it, the situation is no longer c ontrollable. The sad fact is that rock music is fast paced, fueled by drugs that keep people on the go and booze, because who doesn’t like a good stiff drink every once and a while. Rock n’ roll music has that â€Å"screw everything, lets have fun† mentality, when you mix that with a group of people that has a common interest in drugs or alcohol things tend to get a little out of hand.Binge drinking, cocaine and heroin are the most common issues with substances that I have found about the rock n’ roll crowd. When people drink, especially in large amounts, inhibitions become lost, that coupled with the screw it attitude of rock music may help push someone to do those harder drugs that they would not normally do. From everything I’ve read, it seems as though rock music doesn’t cause people to do these things, but rather helps fuel these individuals decision to party harder and go further with their drug use.Once alcohol, fast paced music and t he right crowd of people are thrown into the mix, it is relatively easy to see how someone could fall victim to drug abuse and make poor decisions. One of the other types of music genres I wanted to take a look at was all the repetitive music out there, including, techno, dubstep, trance and house. I have known many people throughout the last few years that enjoy these types of music, some of them drug users, some of them not.I have noticed that these people didn’t really have a drug of choice but rather did a little of everything, except for the hardcore fans. The people that go to big dance music parties or raves seem to like their hallucinogens more than any other drug. Where did this start though? This type of music is still relatively new in the grand scheme of things, so that tells me that maybe the music didn’t cause people to start using these drugs, but rather people that enjoyed using these types of drugs flocked to the repetitive music because of the way the drug enhanced it.Now, I know that most of the hallucinogenic drugs gained their popularity with the rock music of the 1960’s and 1970’s, but when did it switch from rock music to techno or the repetitive music genres? Did it switch because the rock stars of the 1980’s preferred the harder drugs like heroin? In every article and book that I looked in, it seems to me that alcohol is responsible for this change. Once rock stars started with the heavy drinking the hallucinogens were pretty much taken off the table, from what everyone has told me, alcohol and hallucinogens just do not mix well.So what is a person looking for a good time left to do? Go back to smoking marijuana, and that be it? Nope, it was time to move on to harder drugs and let the hallucinogens stay back with a different crowd. I know lsd and other hallucinogenics were around long before the popularization of repetitive music, so I can not put the blame on the music here, for this type of genre I believe that it is the drug that is responsible for the music. People are always looking for a way to intensify feelings, to go further than they did the last time they took a pill or snorted something.The way for this to happen was to look at the sense of sound, and use it to further the feeling of an acid trip. The use of repetitive beats, sounds and noises puts the drug user in a state of mind where nothing can bother them, it allows the drug to completely take over, thus intensifying the trip. After taking a look at many different music genres, these three seemed to be the most obvious ones that use drugs and or alcohol either in lyrics or as a way for the artist or listener to escape reality, if only briefly.Rap music did not become popular because of the crack cocaine problem in the ghetto’s, but one could easily argue that rap music helped crack become a nation wide epidemic because of the glorification in a lot of rap songs. Alcohol, cocaine, and heroin did not create rock n’ roll, sure it may have made it more interesting, but at the same time, it has ruined many artist’s lives that could have gone on to do great things for the music industry.Not everyone that attends a rave or a techno party is doing acid or ecstasy, but that music genre as a whole would not be in existence would it not have been for these drugs. While I don’t think music alone causes people to ruin their lives with drugs and alcohol, there is definitely a link between music and drug use. Whether it’s the type of drug, or how much of the drug that person prefers doesn’t matter, through all my readings one thing is certain, drugs and music have a past together and will have a future.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lat Essay Example

Lat Essay Example Lat Essay Lat Essay I therefore believe that every discovery is unique in their presentation of a constant flow of newer and changing perceptions of the world. In his play, Away BY Michael Go explores the rejuvenation of his characters through their renewed perception of themselves and the others in the play. In addition the Edgar Allen Popes short story oval portrait explores the unexpected discoveries of the . Narrator. Both texts provide a renewed understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Every discovery of the world is a rebirth and a reawakening because it offers renewed perceptions Of the world around us. Coral is married to Roy had a son who died in the Vietnam War, the Vietnam war serves a dramatic purpose experimentation corals loss. Coral experiences extreme grief at the loss of her son; however she experiences a profound rejuvenation of life through Toms play -? The Stranger On The Shore which uses the play within a play technique that Go sees to show his audiences the effect that plays have on human emotions which subsequently leads to their revival / reawakening. That lead to re- discovery. This This Provides a renewed understanding of themselves and others around. Toms imminent death encapsulates the plays major thematic concern and determines its direction. The play opens with the Shakespearean play A Midsummer Night Dreams in which Tom plays the role of Puck. Just as Puck directs the dance of the fairies in the school performance so too does Tom who channels the plays action. His discovery of two characters with strongly opposing views: Coral and Gwen is reflected by their re-evaluation of their lives. About life Coral seems to have immersed herself in loss claiming rhetorically that, Its everywhere isnt it? In the air that we breathe emotively portraying her discovery of the continuous reminder of her son. She yells out You sent him away portraying her vulnerability as she blames Roy for her sons death. Every discovery of the world is a rebirth and a reawakening because it offers renewed perceptions of the world around us unexpectednesss discoveries can lead individuals to renewed perceptions of ourselves and The concept of discovery of others is represented in horror short story Oval portrait through consequences of discovery can be far reaching even life changing Peashooters. Popes horror short story clearly reinforces the notion of renewed perceptions of the world around ourselves and others discovery of others. Edgar Allen Poe was an American author, poet, editor and literacy critic who was considered part the American Romantic Movement. Best known his tales Of mystery and death. The author explores this by revealing how unexpected discoveries can lead individuals to recognize others obsessions,. Ruin fatal love relationships and incomprehensible madness. This is evident when the narrator for example is fascinated by both the oval portrait and the book which explains the painters wild obsessions with wife to the point that his wife to the narrator immediately develops a high degree of curiosity in terms of questioning how this painting came to existence and what this artwork could teach him about humanity, love and life in general outgeneraled. The protagonist finds this object both fascinating and provocative. I was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood.. In a very few moment I again looked fixedly at the painting. Popes uses contemplative tone when the narrators discovery of this artwork clearly sparks a great deal of curiosity, mainly his interest in the fatal relationship between the printer and his wife. the The cause of my deep agitation being thus shut from view, I sought eagerly the volume which discussed the painting and their histories. Turning to the number which signaled the oval portrait, I read the vague and quaint words which follow . Popes use of first person narrative voice by helping the readers empathic with the protagonist and his fascination with the lady in the artwork. Readers can ascertain that the narrator is also another victim of art, indeed he falls in love like the painter to art and for his painting. An individuals obsession with the artistic form can lead to destructive relationships and madness. Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849) was an American author, poet, editor and literacy critic ho was considered part the American Romantic Movement . Best known his tales of mystery and death. This text is therefore one of integrity as the author catered to gothic literature which combined romanticism and parts of death elements in the setting, plot and the characters in his text highlighted the fact that discoveries may be caused by a sense of wonder and remunerated discoveries can lead individuals to renewed perceptions of ourselves and others. In a world as complex as ours, there are a constant presentation of discoveries. Therefore believe that every discovery is unique n their presentation of a constant flow of newer and changing perceptions of the world. Go explores the rejuvenation of his characters through their renewed perception of themselves and the others in the play this evident in corals loss of her son. In addition the Popes short story oval portrait explores the unexpected discoveries of the narrator this is shown with the narrators recantation and his wife being reunited from his previous life thus a rejuvenation in life. Both texts provide a renewed understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Save Me the Waltz (1932) by Zelda Fitzgerald

Save Me the Waltz (1932) by Zelda Fitzgerald Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was the troubled wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of the most famous American writers of all-time.  Save Me the Waltz  is her first and only novel, one which is largely autobiographical and which  covers  approximately the same time period as her husband’s masterpiece,  Tender is the Night (1934). Both books fictionalize the couples life in Paris together, but each from their own perspective.   While  Tender is the Night  deals with F. Scott’s attempt at handling his wife’s eccentric nature and ultimate mental breakdown,  Save Me the Waltz  is much more about Zelda’s hopes and dreams and her sense of being overshadowed in most regards by her husband’s great success.  Zelda Fitzgerald was considered to be one of the first American â€Å"Flappers† – a glamorous and materialistic woman whose greatest hope was to become a prima ballerina, though she only pursued dance late in life. The story itself is interesting in that it reveals Zelda’s perspective on F. Scott as well as her interpretation of that great American time period known as â€Å"The Roaring ‘20s.† The majority of the characters, aside from Alabama (Zelda), David (F. Scott) and Bonnie (their daughter) are relatively flat and, at times, even incongruous (characters’ names spelled in different fashions, eye colors changing, etc.).  What Fitzgerald does well, though, is to create characters  in relation to  Alabama.  The dance instructors and love interests, for example, all come to life quite unexpectedly because of the way they interact with Alabama.  The relationship between David and Alabama is drawn extraordinarily well and, in fact, is reminiscent of the lovers’ relationship in Ernest Hemingway’s   (1946, 1986). Theirs is a tortuously romantic bond, hopeless and beautiful at the same time.  It makes sense that this would be the most aptly developed relationship, considering it is at the core of the story (and the primary impetus for Zelda’s writing the story in the first place). Little Bonnie’s character is also quite charming and her relationship with her Dad is lovely, particularly near the end.   This book has been both praised and derided for its prose and style. The structure is sound and relatively traditional; however, the prose and language are quite odd. At times, it seems to read like a less sexual, female version of William S. Burroughs; the narrative breaks into vivid streams of consciousness, where one has to wonder if passages were written in a fury of rage. While these moments are sometimes over-the-top, even inexplicable or irrelevant, they are also quite beautiful.  There’s a bizarre honesty to the breaks in tempo and the seemingly random items which Fitzgerald chooses to romanticize through language.  Some readers are bound to be enamored by this style, but others might find the self-indulgent moments both distracting and exasperating. When Zelda Fitzgerald originally wrote this book, it was much more accusatory and biographical than the version which was ultimately published.  Her husband believed that she had created the book in a fit of self-destruction, hoping to destroy her (and his) reputations. F. Scott Fitzgerald and their editor, Max Perkins, â€Å"assisted† Zelda with revisions.  Although historical evidence (letters, manuscripts, etc.) seem to prove that their part in the revision process was limited and mostly geared toward making elements and characters who were modeled after real-life  events and  individuals more obscure, Zelda would later accuse her husband of forcing her to change the book entirely and also allege that he stole her original manuscript to write his own (Tender is the Night).   Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this book, then, is in its history and historical significance.  Much can be learned about the Fitzgerald’s relationship and personalities not only by reading the story, but also in researching the history and creation of the book itself, as well as her husbands  similarly-themed novel.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Controlled Variable Definition

Controlled Variable Definition A controlled variable is one which the researcher holds constant (controls) during an experiment. It is also known as a constant variable or simply as a control. The control variable is not part of an experiment (not the independent or dependent variable), but it is important because it can have an effect on the results. It is not the same thing as a control group. Any given experiment has numerous control variables. Its important for a scientist to try to hold all variables constant except for the independent variable. If a control variable changes during an experiment, it may invalidate the correlation between the dependent and independent variable. When possible, control variables should be identified, measured, and recorded. Examples of Controlled Variables Temperature is a common  type of  controlled variable. If a temperature is held constant during an experiment it is controlled. Other examples of controlled variables could be the  amount of light, always using the same type of glassware, constant humidity, or duration of an experiment. Common Mis-Spelling: controlled variable Importance of the Control Variables Although control variables may not be measured (although they are often recorded), they can have a significant effect on the outcome of an experiment. Lack of awareness of control variables can lead to faulty results or what are called confounding variables. Noting control variables makes it easier to reproduce an experiment and to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For example, say you are trying to determine whether a particular fertilizer has an effect on plant growth. The independent variable is the presence or absence of the fertilizer, while the dependent variable is the height of the plant or rate of growth. If you dont control the amount of light (e.g., you perform part of the experiment in the summer and part during the winter), you may skew your results.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Opinion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Opinion paper - Essay Example exual predators, including uncovering their networks, but the former must be cautious in not abusing its limitations and breaching the Constitutional rights of their targets. Some state laws assert that entrapment is not a legal way of apprehending criminals, depending on the strategies and context involved, but it can be adequate as a strategy for catching real criminals. Officers can pose as juveniles or pimps, and it is appropriate, if this can help them catch true criminals, who are different from â€Å"players.† Players are people who are chatting only because of their perverse sexual fantasies. They do not â€Å"intend† to participate in criminal acts. Law enforcement officers can entrap sexual predators on the Internet, as long as they avoid coaxing and harassing the targets into doing something illegal. They should not force or manipulate their targets through fraud too. James 4:7 says: â€Å"Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.† If these â€Å"players† are not doers of sexual crimes, they will not be â€Å"entrapped.† If they become entrapped as part of the policeâ₠¬â„¢s undercover operations, then they will meet the force of the law. Resisting the devil is the first step in resisting crimes. When successful, not only will the devil flee, but undercover cops as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Corruption in South Africa Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corruption in South Africa - Assignment Example This insinuates that South African companies are much corrupts than 13 other large economies globally as their bribery likelihood is three times 13 big economies all over the world. Therefore corruption in South Africa has entered a level that is very cumbersome to withdraw from as corruption cases affect both the private and the public sectors (Britten. 2006. Pg 323). There are many types of corruption cases experienced today in the world. Therefore corruption is divided into six major sections. These sections include; systematic, sporadic, political, grand, and petty as well as legal and moral corruption. This document captures the political and bureaucratic types of corruption which are very popular in South Africa. Political corruption is associated with grand corruption as it involves large sums of money and national wealth lost as a result of corruption. This type of corruption involves the public and private sectors whereby a public property of funds generated by the government through taxes is illegitimately converted into sequestered-regarding payoffs. This type of corruption is commonly practice by political leaders who hold various ministerial posts in the government and the juniors who act as agents in the corruption process. It is also attributed to top civil service officials who use public funds to satisfy their own desires. The misuse of public funds is common in the South Africa national corruption cases. Most media houses highlight various corruption allegations related to the misuse of public funds by top government officials. On the 21st of February 2013, News24 newspaper had headlines that showed the conviction of 1000 people over allegations of housing fraud. The headlines st ated ‘1000 officials convicted of housing fraud’ (2013. Pg13). President Jacob Zuma has also had his fair share of corruption allegations. He was accused of using government money to upgrade his home. The telegraph newspaper had major highlights

How you have experienced social change in Qatar over the last 5 years Essay

How you have experienced social change in Qatar over the last 5 years or so - Essay Example The above changes are largely because Qatar has been hosting numerous sporting events. Mubarak Al Mana, who is the head of the country’s women’s sport committee, has played an important role in supporting women’s involvement in sports. Apart from the increase in the number of women participating in the country’s labor force, most of them tend to focus in certain occupations, particularly teaching and clerical jobs. As the Qatar society started the complex process of implementing social change decade ago, the imbalanced status of women became prominent. It also became a difficult obstacle. Nevertheless, the country has taken vital recognizable steps in the past five years to ensure that women have similar privileges as men. For instance, women have the privilege to vote and contend for any political position during their parliamentary elections (Great Britain, 2004). In 2010, Sheikha Maha Mansour was appointed as the first woman judge in the country. This greatly indicated how Qatar was experiencing a speedy social change. The situation also created an important example to other women who are currently studying different courses previously meant for men. Another recognizable social change is the organization of the family laws. Formerly, resolutions of family problems were dependent on the judge’s understanding of Islamic law. However, this has changed since 2003 when women were given th e privilege to participate in public life and business. In addition, they also have the privilege to travel alone because laws requiring a guardian’s authority for a woman to be given a passport were withdrawn during this

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Humane Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humane Society - Essay Example This paper declares that a municipal shelter is run by a country, city or by the general public entity. It is funded by the taxpayers. The employees of such shelters are the civil servants who might not have any experience for working with animals. Such shelters fall under the sponsorship of the government for example streets and road maintenance. Their basic job is defined in municipal codes, which means to pick up wandering and irritant animals and then reunite them with their owners. Though, some municipal shelters do a fine job of bringing back together the animals with their proprietors and even finding homes for their wanderings, but most of these shelters do a poor job in this spot. It is decided that many municipal shelters does not have permission to do much more than reunite or slay, but even here many shelters are unsuccessful to assemble the smallest amount of standards. This essay explores that a shelter managed by the streets and hygiene area may come under the purview of a branch head who knows much about road maintenance but not a lot about caring for animals. These shelters might consist of employees that are associates and relatives of political appointees. Such people may have no backdrop in the care of animals and no sense of responsibility to the animals. If truth be told, several of these shelters see the work occupied in sheltering animals as a pain to be minimized through killing as many animals as probable and as quick as possible. Many shelters where animals are slaughtered because of a believed lack of space when, in actual fact, all the cages are empty. Certainly, it takes a lot more work to uphold cages full of animals than to keep them unfilled. In contrast, a private shelter is funded by private donations and provides a safe home for lost and misplaced animals. Their basic task is to find home for such animals. Employees of these shelters are volunteers who are at least a bit knowledgeable about caring for such animals. Many of the private shelters do a wonderful work of placing animals. However, they frequently kill those animals that are hard to find homes for. This contains animals that have constant but treatable health circumstances, for example diabetes, or has disabilities that are not life threatening, or are supposed to be unwanted. In addition, a lot of private shelters still keep their animals in cages that are not considered for the long lasting care of animals that can never get a home. Some of the shelters refer to themselves as "no kill." No Kill is a widespread movement for animal shelter improvement. It is advocated by Winograd with a simple policy of not to euthanize animals. Such kinds of policies are known as "no kill." The phrase No Kill is distinct by practices whereby no animal is killed any other reason such as to ease the suffering of the animal, or the animal is violent, unmanageable, the animal is sick, handicapped, or unappealing, or it has some behavioral issues. However, animals are not killed just because there isn't enough space at the shelter. Such shelters

The Way to Improve Social Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Way to Improve Social Inequality - Essay Example The common racial problem exists between the ‘white’ and the ‘black’ people. This emanated from the fact that long time ago African people were slaves in the United States. In the old times, African people could not go to the same schools with the white people and everything had to be separated between the two races. Although slavery was abolished, the issues that developed from it still exist in today’s society. Bearing in mind that the skin color is still different, the problem persists. This is because there are some white people who still hold the belief that they are better as compared to the black people. There are good examples from the video that we watched in class; one of them is about the demonstration of racism. The purpose of this demonstration was to let people understand the feeling of being racially profiled and being treated unequally. We all live in the same planet. People should therefore respect each other regardless of place of or igin or skin color. The problem of racism also leads to violence in various societal settings such as schools and homes. In recent years, cases related to violence at home or in school have increased significantly. Why is violence increasing each year? The main reason is that people have different cultures and backgrounds. Some examples include that conservative traditionalists may think they have the right to control women and that women are not equal to men. Children may be influenced by their parents. Here, children who witness or are victims of violence may learn to believe that violence is the only way to resolve conflicts between people. The video that we watched in class was about Cape Town; in this town, there are many gangsters mostly comprised of teenagers. One of the people interviewed in the video was a victim of violence. Due to family issues, the victim ran away from home and joined the clan to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Humane Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humane Society - Essay Example This paper declares that a municipal shelter is run by a country, city or by the general public entity. It is funded by the taxpayers. The employees of such shelters are the civil servants who might not have any experience for working with animals. Such shelters fall under the sponsorship of the government for example streets and road maintenance. Their basic job is defined in municipal codes, which means to pick up wandering and irritant animals and then reunite them with their owners. Though, some municipal shelters do a fine job of bringing back together the animals with their proprietors and even finding homes for their wanderings, but most of these shelters do a poor job in this spot. It is decided that many municipal shelters does not have permission to do much more than reunite or slay, but even here many shelters are unsuccessful to assemble the smallest amount of standards. This essay explores that a shelter managed by the streets and hygiene area may come under the purview of a branch head who knows much about road maintenance but not a lot about caring for animals. These shelters might consist of employees that are associates and relatives of political appointees. Such people may have no backdrop in the care of animals and no sense of responsibility to the animals. If truth be told, several of these shelters see the work occupied in sheltering animals as a pain to be minimized through killing as many animals as probable and as quick as possible. Many shelters where animals are slaughtered because of a believed lack of space when, in actual fact, all the cages are empty. Certainly, it takes a lot more work to uphold cages full of animals than to keep them unfilled. In contrast, a private shelter is funded by private donations and provides a safe home for lost and misplaced animals. Their basic task is to find home for such animals. Employees of these shelters are volunteers who are at least a bit knowledgeable about caring for such animals. Many of the private shelters do a wonderful work of placing animals. However, they frequently kill those animals that are hard to find homes for. This contains animals that have constant but treatable health circumstances, for example diabetes, or has disabilities that are not life threatening, or are supposed to be unwanted. In addition, a lot of private shelters still keep their animals in cages that are not considered for the long lasting care of animals that can never get a home. Some of the shelters refer to themselves as "no kill." No Kill is a widespread movement for animal shelter improvement. It is advocated by Winograd with a simple policy of not to euthanize animals. Such kinds of policies are known as "no kill." The phrase No Kill is distinct by practices whereby no animal is killed any other reason such as to ease the suffering of the animal, or the animal is violent, unmanageable, the animal is sick, handicapped, or unappealing, or it has some behavioral issues. However, animals are not killed just because there isn't enough space at the shelter. Such shelters

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is Monogamy a More Sustainable Relationship Style than Polyamory Research Paper

Is Monogamy a More Sustainable Relationship Style than Polyamory - Research Paper Example However, the circumstances are rapidly changing and the institution of marriage has been brought into great disrepute by the rising number of divorces worldwide. This has raised the question of whether monogamy is still relevant in the modern times or people should instead embrace the various forms of non-monogamous relationship styles such as polyamory (Barker, 2005). On this backdrop, this paper seeks to determine whether monogamy is a more sustainable relationship style than polyamory. The paper proposes and roots for polyamory and more specifically egalitarian polyamory as the most sustainable relationship style in the prevailing circumstances. Monogamy is the relationship style where a person has one spouse. For so long, monogamy has been upheld by the Western culture as the ideal and the right relationship style (Gourdreau, 2012). Strassberg (2003) asserts that the most significant benefit of monogamy is fidelity. The partners in the relationship uphold sexual faithfulness. Sexual fidelity implies that neither spouse could get into a sexual interaction that potentially makes the other partner feel uncomfortable (Goudreau, 2012). The emphasis is thus on sexual, emotional and spiritual exclusivity with the spouse. Monogamy has, however, come under close scrutiny in the recent past due to the increased cases of divorce. It is estimated that around 53% of marriages in the US end up in divorce before the fifth year of marriage (Mitchell, Bartholomew and Cobb, 2014). According to Ashbee (2007), a significant percentage of these divorces are grounded on sexual infidelity. Furthermore, incidences of cheating scandals among celebrities, political and power elites have also increased remarkably. Monogamy has, thus, showed that it is less sustainable in contemporary times where people are demanding to get their needs satisfied be it by a single or multiple partners. Given the evident

Developing a Counseling Plan Essay Example for Free

Developing a Counseling Plan Essay As a counselor one constantly strives to help clients become successful members of society. In order to become successful in society one must be mentally healthy, there are clients that are so unhealthy mentally and that have struggled so much throughout their childhood and through adolescents that as a counselor you work and push that much harder to help your client overcome those obstacles. In some cases ones counseling can prevent a negative life and provide for a safer society. This case depicts a client that falls under those circumstances. As a client, John Wayne Gacy will be introduced to Family Therapy to help him understand his family environment and help him to cope and or change the way he feels about his family life. The counseling plan will deal with John Wayne Gacy’s issues of his father being an alcoholic, his father abusing him and the rest of his family, him liking boys, as well as his anti-social ways at school. These will be addressed by looking at creating a genogram. When looking at the research it is favorable to use family therapy in order to facilitate change within the family environment by looking at problem solving abilities, looking at the positive rather than the negative, and accepting family members. Case Study My client is John Wayne Gacy, a 15 year old boy living in Chicago, Illinois. He is a white male and has been referred by a judge to undergo a psych evaluation, after his psych evaluation he began coming to see me. This is Gacy’s first time seeking help from a licensed counselor. Presenting Problems John’s presenting problems are his father is an abusive alcoholic, John is attracted to boys, and John is anti-social at school. These three things lead to much confusion in John’s life which led to him hearing voices. John wants to see if family therapy could change some of his issues and feels that by going to family therapy his home environment might change into a more supportive one. Family Background and Developmental History John Wayne Gacy, the son of Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Wayne Gacy Sr. was born on March 17th 1942 in Chicago, Illinois. His parents were of Polish and Danish heritage (Bell). John was the middle child of three; he had an older sister Joanne and a younger sister Karen. John and his sisters were brought up Catholic and went to catholic school. The environment in which he was raised in was that of middle class, he had a part-time job after school and was involved with the boy scouts. John and his two sisters were raised by a father that was an alcoholic; he abused them and their mother. John was not popular in school and was often left out of the loop. John had a playground incident at age 11 which led to him having a blood clot and the clot caused him to have blackouts (Bell Bardsley). He could not play with the other kids because he had a heart condition which was another reason he was looked down upon by his father; he saw it as another shortcoming. John also discovered that he liked boys and often struggled with dealing with his sexuality (Bell). John’s father in a way resented him for this. He felt that it was a sign of weakness or another fault that John had. Current Living and Work Environment John is involved in many organizations within the community. He is a hard worker that often suffered from exhaustion and anxiety from the pressure he put on himself to succeed. John was a father and husband; and had a house in the suburbs. All of this came to a screeching halt when rumors of Gacy liking boys surfaced. Multiple charges and even a prison sentence were handed down to Gacy for the assault of a young boy. Physical Appearance, Mood, and Demeanor John was overweight and had heart and back problems; however, it did not stop him from his work or community activities. Gacy was sentenced to ten years in prison for assaulting a young boy. Gacy was in denial saying that the young boy willingly participated in the sexual acts in order to make extra money. He also did not take responsibility for his actions and tried to place blame on others. Gacy’s has an anti-social personality but is mentally competent. When he was in prison he followed rules and was not violent. Gacy took on different personalities as well as went through many different moods (Inside John Wayne Gacy’s Mind). Counseling Plan This counseling plan uses Family Therapy. â€Å"Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system.†(Genopro) Basically family members feed off each other, positivity feeds positivity and vice versa. The best way to put together a treatment plan is to build your family genogram. Study your own behavior patterns and how they fit in with the rest of your family throughout generations. This will bring out options in which could be used in order to solve problems and figure out how one fits into the family and what ones role is within the family (Genopro). The genogram structure of family therapy will allow John and me to create a counseling plan very easily. Conceptualization of Client’s Presenting Problem and Developmental History John shows signs of multiple personality disorder as well as having an anti-social personality. John also hears voices. Family Therapy eludes to the fact that Family development and the environment that he was brought up in, along with family makeup could be a contributor to why John suffers from what he does (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). Family patterns or expectations are looked at in many ways from parental beliefs, personalities, and extended family influence. This allows each family to be unique in their own ways. This uniqueness can be very overwhelming and takes a toll on all members whether it is negative or positive (Pope). For example, John’s father puts a lot of pressure on him to be successful. John’s shortcomings were looked down upon by his father most likely do to the beliefs and personality that he formed based upon his parental upbringing. John admits that his father was abusive to his mom, sisters, and him as well. John took on many personalities and even called himself pogo the clown at times. John was attracted to boys and this is something that has haunted him his whole life and the reason he is in the predicament he is in. He hated being a disappointment to his father and he was always looking to please his father. John’s confusion with his sexuality ultimately lead to him killing those he sexually encountered because the voices he heard were telling him it would please his father. In session we will discuss with John  and his family ways in which the environment John is brought up in could be altered. Conceptualization of Human Nature According to Family Theory The goal of Family Therapy models is to take the problem presented by the individual dealing with their relationships with other people in the family setting and change the negative aspects (Franklin). The Family Therapy counselor believes the development of family life include family life cycle, family life spiral, and the family genogram (Capuzzi Gross, 2011) The family life spiral looks at how the members of the family go through the stages of development from young to old age. The family life spiral looks at generations and how they coincide with each other. The genogram charts development of generations. Counseling Goals The overall objective is for John Wayne Gacy to be able to find a way to cope with his anger towards his father and to be able to express how his father’s abuse towards the family affected him in a negative way. John said he wants to break down the barrier between him and his father because he loves him and ultimately wants to make him proud. To advocate for this John’s goal is to try and change the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of his family system (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). In other words he wants to change the environment in the Gacy household completely around. The abuse needs to stop, the constant pressure needs to stop, and the pointing out of his weaknesses needs to be approached differently. Course of Treatment In order to get a complete understanding I believe the first action that needs to be taken is the nuclear family emotional system needs to be broken down, what this is looking at is the possible relationships with in a family and look at where problems could possibly come about. For John, 3 of the relationship patterns are touched upon in his situation. His father is abusive to his mother and siblings, in John’s fathers eyes there is an impairment of John because he likes boys, and lastly there is an emotional disturbance suffered by John because of his father’s view of him (Genpro). The second part that needs to be addressed is differentiation of self which is the dependency on others to give acceptance and approval. This is something John struggled with and never received from his father. He never felt like his father truly accepted him or approved of the life style that he lived (Genpro). John agreed to do 2 things a day to satisfy his needs, meaning if he wanted to work in the community do it because it made him feel good not because he wants or needs approval from his father. Treatment plan was developed and signed by John and we will meet on a weekly basis. Family Therapy Interventions Due to John stating that the pressure his father puts on him within the family system to be successful, the first intervention to be used will be the family interview. We will follow the five stages of the interview which are social, problem, interaction, goal setting, and ending (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). This interview will give me the tools necessary to properly assess the situation. The interview will also help John and his family understands how each other feels and come up with some interventions to help facilitate change. â€Å"the first obligation of a therapist is to change the presenting problem offered. If that is not accomplished, the therapy is a failure† (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). The first intervention needs to address the problem that John has presented, based upon the interview the interventions that will be implemented will be geared towards progressing with Johns presenting problem. Research Support The research that was obtained was very helpful in forming a counseling plan or treatment plan for this particular client. Family Therapy is known for helping individuals whose presenting problems deal with issues that stem from the family and the environment the individual was brought up in. Family therapy is the best way to look at â€Å"the patterns of communication and the relationships that connect people with one another and to their social and physical environments† (Capuzzi Gross, 2011, p. 287). In this case we will be looking at how John fits into his family and what his father’s expectations are of John. Interviewing as an intervention will be crucial in figuring out John place in the family and seeing how his and his father’s view of the roles conflict with each other. Family therapy allows for John  and his family to work on their problem solving with each other within the family, expressing their individuality with each other, discussing the positive and negative aspect of their family atmosphere as well as with each other on an individual basis, and lastly the acceptance of each other (Capuzzi Gross, 2011). Family therapy allows for clients to understand their environments as well as to understand their role within that environment. The counselor’s role within the session is to basically guide the discussion and conduct the interview. Family Therapy I feel is the best theory to use for a client such as John Wayne Gacy due to his confusion within his family, particularly when it comes to the relationship with his father and the expectation that his father has for him or at least how John see those expectations. Conclusion This counseling plan reviewed the use of Family Therapy for counseling John Wayne Gacy. Family Therapy is designed to be an extensive look at John Wayne Gacy’s family makeup. John Wayne Gacy’s presenting problems are his father abusing him and his family, his father being an alcoholic, he struggles with his sexuality, and he is anti-social. Family therapy is used to deal with these concerns, so for John, the counseling objective is to find a way to cope with his anger towards his father and to be able to express how his father’s abuse towards the family affected him in a negative way. The counseling plan addresses John’s concerns of worrying about his father’s abuse and constant push for perfection as well as his anti-social tendencies. Due the treatment plan and goals presented and the attitude of John to want to get better, I feel that Family Therapy will be successful for John Wayne Gacy as well as his family. References Bell, R., Bardsley, M. (n.d.). John wayne gacy jr. In R. BELL (Ed.), Retrieved from Bell, R. (n.d.). Retrieved from Capuzzi, D., Gross, D. R. (Ed.). (2011). Counseling and psychotherapy: Theories and interventions (5th ed.). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Franklin, C. (n.d.). Retrieved from GenoPro. Family systems theory. Retrieved from Inside John Wayne Gacy’s Mind. Chicago: CBS. Retrieved from Pope, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Use of Irony in Young Goodman Brown

Use of Irony in Young Goodman Brown In the short stories Rip Van Winkle, Young Goodman Brown and The Cask of Amontillado, the authors made use of irony which indicated mockery of something or someone in different ways. Washington Irving used so much irony in his short story Rip Van Winkle. The title character is a youthful married Dutch American who has a kind and generous nature. The main character is located in Catskill Mountains of New York way before the American Revolution. Reluctant to profitable labor, the character prefers rambles within the mountains, sitting under the shade gossiping with his buddies moreover, playing with the community children (Irving 105). Washington develops the thesis of the story by use of irony. After meandering with his gun together with Wolf, his close companion, Rip trails himself into the higher parts of the mountains. Soon afterwards, Rip stumbles upon a stranger who was moving what looked like a barrel of liquor. Consequently, with the aid of the Hollands, moreover a whole day of mountain climbing, Rip falls into a solemn, deep slumber. Nevertheless when he wakes up, Rip does not know how long he has been sleeping or where both of his friends have gone off too. He woke up twenty years later, as an aged man and strolls back to his village; he is amazed by the transformations that have occurred. After some commotion, he is joined with his grown-up daughter and her children. The irony is further noticed in Rips coldness to Dame Van Winkle. He was bossed and chided, but he was satisfied. The owner of the bar, Nicholas Vedder dominated the conversations and views of the junto symbolize the colonial governors selected by the Crown. Even as he rarely spoke, his authority was constantly present. This reflects the inactive position the governors accommodated political affairs, as well as the colonists substantial respect for them. (Irving 109) Another irony to reflect on is the ways wherein Irving anticipates lots of of Thoreaus thoughts. Long prior to the retreat to Walden Pond, Washington introduces Rip Van Winkle as a happy mortal, of idiotic, well-oiled characters, who take the humanity easy, eat brown bread or white, any that can be got without difficulty, and would rather go hungry on a penny than labor for a pound which is very ironic. Nathaniel Hawthornes story Young Goodman Brown is saturated, with irony. At the beginning of the narrative a youthful Puritan husband leaves at sunset from his youthful Puritan wife. Faith, like the wife was suitably named, pushes her own appealing head into the street, allowing the wind to play with the pink ribbons which were on her cap, whereas she called to Goodman Brown. Nathaniel Hawthorne says that Faith is appropriately named, an ironic declaration since she later on in the evening, is being acknowledged into the congregation of devil-worshippers as a fresh convert to the evil cluster. The description of faith as pretty as well as her putting on pink ribbons, as a sign of cheerful outlook on life and youthful innocence is also ironic (Hawthorne 405). There is more irony in the Goodman Browns dialogue with the old man. He at first clings to his apparent purity of lineage furthermore claims that his father and grandfather had not deviated from the Puritanical lineage. The old man discovers that not only were his relatives acquainted with the abnormal path but well familiar the devil on an individual level. The irony inside this passage is seen when the devil assists Goodman Browns ancestors during the persecution of Indians and Quakers. There is definitely irony in the fact that it is the majority of the pious church people who emerge at the evil gathering inside the forest. The aged woman who bypasses Young Goodman Brown as well as the devil on the trail is recognized by Brown as the woman who taught her catechism. There is a remarkable irony to this vow because when Goodman Brown came back at dawn; he cannot look at his wife with the identical faith he had before. After Goodman Brown lastly met with the Devil, he asserts that the cause of his lateness was because Faith kept him back awhile. This proclamation has a double implication because his wife actually prevented him from being punctual for his meeting as well as his faith to God expressively delayed his gathering with the devil as well (Hawthorne 409). All through The Cask Of Amontillado, Poe uses dramatic and verbal irony to construct suspense, foreshadow the ending, and moreover add a touch of ghoulish humor. For instance the title cask meaning wine barrel is resulting from the same root statement used to structure casket, which means coffin. Accordingly, the cask symbolically represents Fortunatos casket. Secondly, Fortunatos name which is Italian implies good fortune, luck. Nevertheless, Fortunato is so unfortunate because he was heading to his death. Another element of irony is Fortunatos Costume. He dresses as a court clown. His celebratory outfit contrasts with the terrible fate that awaits him. Moreover, occasionally, the bell on top of his cone-shaped hat tinkles a nice comic feeling from Poe. Another aspect of irony is when Fortunato asks Montresor if he is a mason, signifying a member of the fraternal array of Freemasonry. It is ironic that Montresor says he is certainly a mason. Nevertheless, he is using the expression to mean a craftsman who constructs buildings using (Cecil 41). Poe also uses irony repeatedly in the dialogue. For instance, when Montresor meets Fortunato, he tells him that he is lucky they met. Later on, when Montresor pretends to be worried about Fortunatos scything cough as they go down into the tombs, he tells him that they have to go back because his health is precious. Fortunato tells him not to worry because the cough will not kill him. Montresor quickly agrees that the cough will not kill him; the audience can nearly see a devilish gleam within Montresors eyes, because he surely knew that Fortunato will die. He later opens a bottle of wine furthermore toasts Fortunato to his long life. In all the three short stories the authors used dramatic, verbal and situational irony to convey message to the audience which came out amazingly. Irony is an essential way in which authors can develop deeper stages of meaning in a text. Furthermore it also is a very efficient way of involving and engaging a reader in a text.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Sejarah Agama Buddha Agama Buddha lahir di negara India, lebih tepatnya lagi dikenali wilayah Nepal pada masa kini. Sejarah agama Buddha bermula pada abad ke-6 SM sampai sekarang dari lahirnya Buddha Siddharta Gautama. Dengan ini, Agama Buddha adalah salah satu agama tertua yang masih dianuti di dunia ini. Agama Buddha berkembang dengan unsur kebudayaan India, ditambah dengan unsur-unsur kebudayaan Helenistik (Yunani), Asia Tengah, Asia Timur dan Asia Tenggara. Dalam proses perkembangannya, agama ini telah berkembang hampir seluruh benua Asia dan telah menjadi agama mayoritas di beberapa negara Asia seperti Thailand, Singapura, Kemboja, Myanmar, Taiwan dan lain-lain. Pencetusnya ialah Siddhartha Gautama yang dikenal sebagai Gautama Buddha oleh pengikut-pengikutnya. Ajaran Buddha sampai ke negara Tiongkok pada tahun 399 Masehi yang dibawa oleh seorang bhiksu bernama Fa Hsien. Masyarakat Tiongkok mendapat pengaruhnya dari Tibet sesuai dengan tuntutan dan nilai moral. Setiap aliran Buddha berpegang kepada Tripitaka iaitu sebagai rujukan utama kerana di dalamnya tercatat sabda dan ajaran sang hyang Buddha Gautama. Pengikut-pengikutnya mencatat dan mengklasifikasikan ajarannya kepada 3 buku iaitu Sutta Piá ¹ ­aka (kotbah-kotbah Sang Buddha), Vinaya Piá ¹ ­aka (peraturan atau tata tertib para bhikkhu) dan Abhidhamma Piá ¹ ­aka (ajaran hukum metafisika dan psikologi). Sejarah kelahiran Pencetus Agama Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) Peringkat 1: Mimpi pelik. Raja Kapilavastu, ialah ayah kepada Buddha, iaitu Siddharta Gautama. Walaupun raja telah lama berkahwin dengan Ratu Maha Maya, tetapi masih tidak mendapat cahaya mata. Semasa Ratu Maha Maya berumur 40, pada suatu malam, ratu bermimpi pelik. Dalam mimpi itu, ratu ternampak seorang pemuda yang s... ...n apabila mereka minum social, ia biasanya adalah untuk mamatuhi. Walaupun sedikit alcohol memesongkan kesedaran dan menggangu kesedaran diri. Jika arak diambil dalam kuantiti yang besar, kesannya boleh mengakibatkan kemusnahan. Kesimpulan Kesimpulannya, Agama Buddha telah menjadi 3 agama yang utama di dunia ini. Agama Buddha ini telah berjaya mempengaruhi gaya hidup orang ramai di dunia itu supaya mengamal nilai-nilai yang murni ini dalam kehidupan mereka. Kesemua ajaran-ajaran agama Buddha mengenai soal hidup mati dan juga kebenaran-kebenaran mulia yang diajar oleh Buddha telah pun dicatatkan. Pada masa kini, Agama Buddha telah menjadi salah satu daripada 3 agama utama di dunia ini. Keusahaan dan kepayahan Gautama Buddha untuk mencari jawapan kepada semua soalan-soalan itu teleh membawa kejayaan yang agung. Kejaayan ini telah membawa manfaat kepada orang ramai

Friday, October 11, 2019

Baron Georges Eugene Haussmann

Paris in the l9th century was anything but beautiful; the City of Lights was a city of disparity; graceful monuments, historic buildings and slum dwellings, sat side by side. The narrow streets were catch-alls for chamber pots that were emptied into the streets from windows, the sewer system was inadequate, for a city with a million inhabitants, and prompting extremely unhealthy conditions that bred disease and only one out of five households had running water.This statement from Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Genevan philosopher depicts a snapshot picture of Old Paris, â€Å"Entering through the faubourg Saint Marceau, I saw only small, dirty and stinking streets, ugly black houses, an air of filth, poverty, beggars, carters, sewing women, women hawking tisanes and old hats† (British library. ) All of these issues would be â€Å"history† with the city’s modernization done at an unprecedented pace by Baron Georges-Eugene Haussmann. Baron Haussmann was born, in Paris, o n March 27th, 1809. He was educated at theCollege Henry IV, studied law, while simultaneously taking classes at the Conservatoire de Paris, because he was a good musician. He diverted from being a lawyer, turning his focus on architecture, becoming a civil engineer and career administrator. Mr. Haussmann was appointed sous-prefet (state representative) of Nerac, a commune of the Lot-et-Garonne department in southwestern France, in l830. He advanced quickly in the civil service venue; in l853 he was appointed the prefet of the Seine Department, (department in France is similar to a county) and remained in that position until l870.During this time period, Baron Haussmann was made senator in l857, grand cross at the Legion d’honneur, a premier order of France, in l862, and a member of the Academy of Fine Arts in l867. (wikipedia) He died on January 11, l891 in Paris, leaving a continuous and evolving legacy. The Baron’s name is preserved on the Boulevard Haussmann and in the very core of the â€Å"City of Lights. † Now that I have given a brief, biographical summary of Mr. Haussmann’s life, here is a detailed look at his accomplishments, historical impact on urbanism and constant influence in today’s society.Emperor Napoleon III, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the last monarch to rule France, wanted to be acknowledged as a great communal engineer. He was partial to helping the poor, working class people of Paris and desperately wanted to shape the city in to a progressive, healthy environment. There was also a safety issue, the Emperor needed to address; it was imperative that he reduce the ability of future revolutionaries to defy the government, by benefiting on the medieval maze of streets to easily form barricades. Devising wider streets for logical maneuvers, would allow battalions and artillery to circulate effortlessly.Napoleon III rightly chose, the best civil engineer in Paris, Baron Haussmann to implement the recons truction of his capital. The Emperor let Haussmann maintain substantial executive power and extensive finances with this project. Ultimately, over a decade and a half he spent 2,115,000,000 francs, the equivalence of 1. 5 billion in today’s currency. Napoleon also protected Haussmann from the myriad of critics, this was fundamental for his success. Paris would undergo a major transformation and people had two different views of Haussmann; one as a man who would demolish â€Å"old† Paris , and the other as a man who would create a â€Å"new†Paris. Haussmanization is what this massive undertaken was dubbed, its actual definition being, â€Å"the creative destruction of something for the betterment of society,â€Å" (wiktionary). The criticism the Baron received was that specific, Parisian’s were troubled by the destruction of buildings, including whole neighborhoods. In they’re opinion, there was no â€Å"betterment,† the wide streets had a diminutive purpose, except for being anti-riot streets, and all Haussmann did for the poor areas was to build encompassing boulevards from which they could be subjugated (British lib.) Another, subject he was disparaged for, was his methods of financing the projects, which included using his connections with realtors. Haussmann would allow them to purchase property along the new boulevards in exchange for an exuberant profit. This issue ignited an intense political controversy and even though the allegation were never proven , it eventually led to the Baron’s dismissal as the prefet, on January 5, l870. Napoleon III had no choice if he was to increase the approval rating of this regime.Parisians who viewed Haussmann’s modernization of Paris as positive, and new he would be providing a much needed service to the city, far out numbered the opposition. Most of the people perceived the streets as they actually were; unsanitary, with garbage and waste left by a faulty sewer system, crowded, damp, shanties covered in mud, and confusing. The narrow streets, with no sidewalks, discouraged prospective customers from going to shops, and during Paris’s recurrent spates of civil disorder, made it easier to form barricades. Haussmannization would deliver a â€Å"new† Paris, a healthy, moreorganized, safer city. Baron Haussmann’s first task was to create a detailed map of Paris, this would be the basis of his work. He then installed wood towers throughout the city, taller than surrounding buildings to serve as triangulation points in the surveying process. This was an advanced engineering process, theory is still use today. Triangulation is finding coordinates and the distance of a point by calculating the length of different sides of a triangle. Devising the towers, for this purpose, was ingenious. The transformation was now underway, using 1500 architects and over 60,000 workers.Paris was deemed the â€Å"largest construction site in th e world,† and would hold that title for two decades (France monthly). Three quarters of the Ile de la Cite, was destroyed to construct a central area for the Palais de Justice, police headquarters and barracks. Ile de la Cite is one of two islands in the Seine River, the other is Ile Saint-Louis, is the center of Paris and where the city was founded (wikipedia). Approximately 15,000 homes were pulled down and the only buildings untouched were; Notre Dame, the Saint-Chapelle, Conciergie and the Palais de Justice.Haussmann’s beautification of Paris, includes the star-shaped Place de l†Etoile, which is a large urban junction with a meeting point of twelve straight avenues, around the Arc de Triomphe, several new parks, gardens and the planting of over 100,000 trees. The Baron admired the large and central London parks, such as the Hyde and Regent Parks, and decided to created two comparable ones, . most notably the Bois de Boulogne, and the Bois de Vincennes. The Bar on built or rebuilt several market, the most famous redesigned market was the Les Halles, the first major building project to use iron-frame construction.This material allowed for improved control of the city’s food supplies and lessening of health hazards (SafariX). Another famous redesign was the Palais Garnier, commonly known as Opera de Paris, and named after its architect, Charles Garnier, who was chosen by the Baron to supervise the project. Mr. Garnier was instructed to build a 2nd theatre for the famous Parisian Opera and Ballet Companies. Legend says that Napoleon III’s wife asked Garnier if it would be built in Greek or Roman style and he replied, â€Å"It is in the Napoleon III style, Madame! â€Å" (msn. Encarta) Haussmann imposed a regulationthat required all new buildings to have a standardized height and design, this gave modern Paris characteristic landscape. Haussmann’s plan continued with organizing the city by numbering districts and houses. Parisian’s lives were made easier with the numeration. Wide, straight, new boulevards with commanding facades, converging at major junctions, marked by monuments, public buildings and points of significance such as city gates or railway stations, were made to facilitated traffic movement, eliminate cramped streets, and provide proficient access for army troops from the provinces to come into the city,if needed. Baron Haussmann’s implemented a railway network, with six new railroads stations, operating outside the city, improving transportation and directly contributing to a flourishing economic environment. The railways contributed to the development of coal mining and the steel industry in France, bringing they’re economy into a contemporary age of large scale free enterprise. The design of the streets combined with the new public transportation allowed Parisians an easy access to the city and its shops, museums, theatre etc., encouraged people to flaunt their new wealth. Probably the most imperative part of the â€Å"modernization† of Paris was the purification and decontamination of their ancient sewer system. A complete renovation was imperative to instill healthy conditions in the city. Haussmann named engineer Eugene Belgrad, Director of Water and Sewers of Paris, who attacked the problem by creating â€Å"sort of a city under the city,† The system harnessed underwater springs, some over 100 kilometers from Paris, then brought fresh, clean water by aqueducts to flush out the waste (France Monthly).The sewer system, although underground, didn’t go unobserved, Haussmann ensured that it became a showpiece, even providing transportation for their viewing, the system, to this day, is considered a tourist attractioin. Baron Haussmann and Napoleon III’s architectural strategy for the modernization of Paris is largely responsible for the city’s present appearance and for the groundwork of current and almos t certainly, future designs. The Baron’s vision of a city came into fruition, making Paris one of the most magnificently beautiful cities, a formidable economic power, with much healthier living conditions.Haussmann still continues to inspire architectural design. One example is the City Beautiful Movement, a progressive reform movement in North American architect, in the1800’s and 1900’s, its primary objective was to revamp poverty-stricken urban environments. â€Å"Haussmannian Revolution,† a term used because, for the first time in history, under an emporer, a single man systematically modernized a city on such a mammoth scope (France Monthly). Work Cited British Library, An Imperial Capital: Baron Haussmann’s Transformation of Pariswww. mapforum. com/15blmap. htm France Monthly, Baron Haussmann, and the Transformation of Paris, 2006 www. francemonthly. com/n/1202/index. php MSN. Encartam, Paris (city, France)-MSN Encarta 2007 http//Encarta. msn . com/encylopedia SafariX, Haussmannization and Ostentation http//www. safarix. com/0131932934/ch15lev1sec2 Wikipedia, Baron Haussman, 2 April 2007 www. widipedia. org/wiki/Baron_Haussmann Wikitionary, Etymology, 8 December 2006 http//en. wikitionary. org

Thursday, October 10, 2019

PEST analysis for banks Essay

The sustainability of DCB Bank agenda has expanded rapidly. It reflects the company’s increasing focus on the wider nature of business and made the stakeholders growing interests in competitive world of business. There is now a great awareness about the global challenges such as climate changes, poverty, scarcity of resources, and demographic shifting. The responses came from the government and from different businesses, as well as the non-profit organization helped DCB Bank made it possible for the sustainability. Economic Analysis The approach to the sustainability program is useful and encourages DCB to be open and transparent to the issues such as the initiatives in further research and development, dialogue with the government and various organizations, and their priorities. DCB Bank enable to broaden their focus on corporate responsibility to prove that they play an essential role in establishing an economic advantage in the country where they operate. Social Analysis The sustainability strategy focuses in their objective to improve the value of the business and their stakeholders. They give importance on the customers and clients such as maintaining the understanding of their needs and promoting the company by measuring satisfaction. It can be only possible by focusing of their global performance by their assurance to develop an innovative solution and enhancing performance. On the other hand, the people working with DCB Bank make a great advantage in the performance of the business. In addition, they attract employees to collect the talent, develop them according to the competent world, and retaining them as much as possible. Technological Analysis DCB uses the means of technology for their business especially in the areas of Agri and Inclusive banking. Their aim to help the people in fight against poverty is possible through their financial system. The technology makes it possible to empower the system and establish a competitive advantage. Pioneering the new ideas, adding the skills and operational excellence are part of the guiding principle of the organization.

Night World : Black Dawn Chapter 19

â€Å"The hunt of your lives,† Hunter Redfern said. Hewas standing handsome and erect, smiling easily. The nobles were gathered around him, and Maggieeven saw some familiar faces in the crowd. That rough man from Delos's memories-the one who grabbed his arm, she thought dreamily. And the woman who put the first binding spell on him. They were crowded in the courtyard, their faceseager. The first pale light was just touching thesky-not that the sun was visible, of course. But it was enough to turn the clouds pearly and cast aneerie, almost greenish luminescence over thescene below. â€Å"Twohumans,a witch, and a renegade prince,†Hunter proclaimed. He was enjoying himself hugely, Maggie could tell. â€Å"You'll never have another chance at prey like this.† Maggie gripped Delos's hand tightly. Shewasfrightened butatthesame time strangely proud. If the nobles around Hunter wereexpecting their prey to cower or beg, they were going to be disappointed. They were alone, the four of them, in a littleempty space in the square. Maggie and Aradia and Jeanne in their slave clothes, Delos in his leggingsand shirtsleeves. A little wind blew and stirredMaggie's hair, but otherwise they were perfectly still. Aradia, of course, was always dignified. Just nowher face was grave and sad, but there was no sign of anger or fear in it. She stood at her full height,her huge clear eyes turned toward the crowd, as if they were all welcome guests that she had invited. Jeanne was more rumpled. Her red hair was disheveled and her tunic was wrinkled, but there wasa grim smile on her angular face and a wild battlelight in her green eyes. She was one prey that wasgoing to fight, Maggie knew. Maggie herself was doing her best to live up tothe others. She stood astall as she could, knowing she would never be asimpressive as Aradia, or as devil-may-care as Jeanne, but trying at least to look asif dying came easy to her. Delos was magnificent. In his shirtsleeves, he was more of a prince thanHunter Redfern would ever be. He looked at thecrowd of nobles who had all promised to be loyalto him and were now thirsting for his blood-and he didn't get mad. He tried to talk to them. â€Å"Watch what happens here,† he said, his voicecarrying easily across the square. â€Å"And don't forgetit. Are you really going to follow a man who cando this to his own great-grandson? How long is itgoing to be before he turns on you?Before you findyourselves in front of a pack of hunting animals?† â€Å"Shut him up,† Hunter said. He tried to say it jovially, but Maggie could hear thefuryunderneath. And the command didn't seem to make much sense. Maggie could see the nobles looking at each other-who was supposed to shut him up, and how? â€Å"There are some things thatt have to be stopped,† Delos said. â€Å"And this man is one of them. I admitit, I was willing to go along with him-but that was because I was blind and stupid. I know betternow-and I knew better before he turned againstme. You all know me. Would I be standing here,willing to give up my life for no reason?† There was the tiniest stirring among the nobles. Maggie looked at them hopefully-and then herheart sank. They simply weren't used to thinking for themselves, or maybe they were used to thinking only of themselves. But she could tell there wasn't material for a rebellion here. And the slaves weren't going to be of any help,either. The guards had weapons, they didn't. Theywere frightened, they were unhappy, but this kind of hunt was something they'd seen before. Theyknew that it couldn't be stopped. â€Å"This girl came to us peacefully, trying to keepthe alliance between witches and vampire,† Deloswas saying, his hand on Aradia's shoulder. â€Å"And inreturn we tried to kill her. I'm telling you rightnow, that by spilling her innocent blood, you're allcommitting a crime that will come back to hauntyou.† Another little stirringamong women, Maggie thought. Witches, maybe? â€Å"Shut him up,† Hunter said, almost bellowing it. And this time he seemed to be saying it to a specific person. Maggie followed his gaze and saw Sylvia near them. â€Å"Some beasts have to be muzzled before they canbe hunted,† Hunter said, looking straight at Sylvia.†So take care of it now. The hunt is about to begin.† Sylvia stepped closer to Delos, a little uneasily.He stared back at her levelly, as if daring her towonder what he'd do when she got nearer. â€Å"Guards!† Hunter Redfern said, sounding tired. The guards moved in. They had two differentkinds of lances, a distant part of Maggie's mindnoted. One tipped with metal-that must be for humans and witches-and one tipped with wood. For vampires, she thought. If Delos wasn't careful, he might get skewered in the heart before thehunt even began. â€Å"Now shut his lying mouth,† Hunter Redfernsaid. Sylvia took her basket off her arm. â€Å"In the new order after the millennium, we'llhave hunts like this every day,† Hunter Redfernwas saying, trying to undo the damage that hisgreat-grandson had done. â€Å"Each of us will have a city of humans to hunt. A city of throats to cut, acity of flesh to eat.† Sylvia was fishing in her basket, not afraid tostand close to the vampire prince since he was surrounded by a forest of lances. â€Å"Sylvia,† Aradia said quietly. Sylvia looked up, startled. Maggie saw her eyes,the color of violets. â€Å"Each of us will be a prince-† Hunter Redfernwas saying. â€Å"Sylvia Weald,† Aradia said. Sylvia looked down. â€Å"Don't talk to me,† she whispered. â€Å"You're notI'm not one of you anymore.† â€Å"All you have to do is follow me,† Hunter wassaying. â€Å"Sylvia Weald,† Aradia said. â€Å"You were born awitch. Your name means the greenwood, the sacred grove. You are a daughter of Hellewise, andyou will be until you die. You are my sister.† â€Å"I am not,† Sylvia spat. â€Å"You can't help it. Nothing can break the bond.In your deepest heart you know that. And asMaiden of all the witches, and in the name of Hellewise Hearth-Woman, I adjure you: remove your spell from this boy.† It was the strangest thing-but it didn't seem tobe Aradia who said it. Oh, it was Aradia's voice, allright, Maggie thought, and it was Aradia standingthere. But at that moment she seemed to be fusedwith another form-a sort of shining aura allaround her. Someone who was part of her, butmore than she was. It looked, Maggie thought dizzily, like a tallwoman with hair as pale as Sylvia's and largebrown eyes. Sylvia gasped out, â€Å"Hellewise †¦ .†Her own violeteyes were huge and frightened. Then she just stood frozen. Hunter was ranting on. Maggie could hear himvaguely, but all she could see was Sylvia, the shudders that ran through Sylvia's frame, the heavingof Sylvia's chest. Appeal to their true hearts,Maggie thought. â€Å"Sylvia,† she said. â€Å"I believe in you.† The violeteyes turned toward her, amazed. â€Å"I don't care what you did to Miles; Maggie said.†I know you're confused-I know you were unhappy. But now you have a chance to make upfor it. You can do something-something importanthere. Something that will change the world.† â€Å"Rivers of blood,† Hunter was raving. â€Å"And noone to stop us. We won't stop with enslaving thehumans. The witches are our enemies now. Thinkof the power you'll feel when you drink their lives!† â€Å"If you let this Wild Power be killed, you ‘I! beresponsible for the darkness coming,† Maggie said.†Only you. Because you're the only one who canstop it right now.† Sylvia put a trembling hand to her cheek. Shelooked as if she were about to faint. â€Å"Do you really want to go down in history as the one who destroyed the world?† Maggie said. â€Å"As Maiden of all the witches †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Aradia said.And another, deepervoiceseemed to follow on hers like anecho , As Mother o f all the witches †¦Ã¢â‚¬ And in the name of Hellewise . . And in the name of my children†¦ â€Å"As you are a Hearth-Woman †¦Ã¢â‚¬  As you are my own daughter, a true Hearth Woman †¦ â€Å"I adjure you!†Aradia said, and her voice rangout in double tones so clearly that it actuallystopped Hunter in midtirade. It stopped everyone. For an instant there was absolutely no sound in the courtyard. Everyone wa: looking around to see where the voice had come from. Sylvia was simply staring at Aradia. Then the violet eyes shut and her entire bodyshivered in a sigh. When she spoke it was on the barest whisper of breath, and only someone as close as Maggie wa:could have heard her. â€Å"As a daughter of Hellewise, I obey.† And then she was reaching for Delos's arm, ancDelos was reaching toward her. And Hunter wa: shouting wildly, but Maggie couldn't make out thewords. She couldn't make out Sylvia's words, ei.ther, but she saw her lips move, and she saw the slender pale fingers clasp Delos's wrist. And saw the lance coming just before it piercecSylvia's heart. Then,as if everything came into focus at once she realized what Hunter had been shouting in i voice so distorted it was barely recognizable. â€Å"Kill her! Kill her!† And that's just what they'd done, Maggie thoughther mind oddly clear, evenasa wave of horror andpity seemed to engulf her body. The lance wen right through Sylvia. It knocked her backwardaway from Delos, and blood spurted all over thefront of Sylvia's beautiful green dress. And Sylvia looked toward Hunter Redfern andsmiled. This time Maggie could read the words orher lips. â€Å"Too late.† Delos turned. There was red blood on his whiteshirthis own, Maggie realized. He'd tried to getin the way of the guard's killing Sylvia. But nowhe had eyes only for his greatgrandfather. â€Å"It stops here!† She had seen the blue fire before, but never likethis. The blast was like a nuclear explosion. Itstruck where Hunter Redfern was standing with hismost loyal nobles around him, and then it shot upinto the sky in a pillar of electric blue. And it wenton and on, from sky to earth and back again, as ifthe sun were falling in front of the castle.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Comparing two university websites in terms of their e-HRM Research Paper

Comparing two university websites in terms of their e-HRM - Research Paper Example Specifically both universities web sites were examined. Based on a scientific framework several aspects were analyzed: contextual factors, website architecture, e-HRM activities, actors, goals, e-HRM strategy and possible outcomes. The organization type is similar in both cases. But the results reveal that the type of e-HRM practice is different. Therefore the e-HRM practice on each organization has different consequences. It happens because the contextual environment is not the same and the the e-HRM application and the web sites main activities are very different. This paper emphasizes the importance of the controlling and monitoring task in order to prove the effectiveness of the e-HRM practice. It provides also instructions for future researches. e-HRM practice: Comparing two university websites e-HRM is a new research theme. As a new application is important to identify the research needs and define a research framework in order to achieve a proper result. e-HRM appears as the u se of the information technology in order to support the human resources functions. The questions are: How can the IT technology coexists with the HR functions and improve its efficiency? â€Å"With e-HRM, managers can access relevant information and data, conduct analyses, make decisions, and communicate with others - and they can do this without consulting an HR professional unless they choose to do so. For example, a manager who wants to make a merit pay decision may access files containing text, audio, and video describing how best to make the decision. Then, the manager can access the data file containing information on his/her employees. With a click of the mouse, the decision is recorded and other departments (such as finance) are notified. Hours of processing are reduced to minutes, and much paperwork is avoided by the use of this technology (Lengnick-Hall & Moritz; 2003, p. 366).† The first studies appears in 1995 ( Strohmeier, S. 2007). Strohmeier presents a researc h framework. Ruel and the colleges developed â€Å"An explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRM†. With this experience were identified four type of goals in e-HRM practice, and crucial research point were defined. The purpose of this paper is to compare the actual practice of e-HRM on two different Universities' websites and determine the similarities and differences between e-HRM practices on both websites. The Universities are Zayed and Texas. Based on previous studies, as the Ruel and Strohmeier experiences, is possible to identify critical points to analyses in both e-HRM practice. Applying this knowledge to the current case study, this paper aims to identify and to describe the e-HRM practices and policies in both cases. After presenting the theoretical concepts on chapter 3, the methodology and the results will be presented in sections 4 and 5. In the conclusion ( section 6), the themes will be synthesized and the lessons learned presented. HR M and e-HRM Strategic Human Resources Management Martin-Alcazar, Romero-Fernandez and Sanchez-Gardy ‘s literature review define Strategic Human Resources Management â€Å" as the integrated set of practices, policies and strategies through which organizations manage their human capital, that in?uences and is in?uenced by the business strategy, the organizational context and the socioeconomic context.† ( Alcazar, Fernandez & Gadey, 2005). Built on an intensive research work on strategic HRM models as the contingent,