Saturday, December 28, 2019

Use of Pathos in Writings on Torture Essay - 1499 Words

Torture is a loaded word. It conjures images in a readers mind of any number of horrors, physical and mental. Many writers rely on this reaction and use pathos in their articles to illicit a strong response in their audience. Pathos is an emotional appeal used to gain sympathy and trust from the audience and works for people of all intellectual levels. It often casts the author or characters in a story as an Everyman, easy to identify, and therefore see eye to eye, with. In my opinion, the more an author is able to create a personal connection to torture, the stronger their argument becomes. Strong emotions create a more appealing argument for an everyday audience. Michael Levins â€Å"The Case for Torture† uses a few moments of pathos to†¦show more content†¦He talks about prisoners being packaged and rendered, two terms that allude to meat packaging. Pathos relies on this kind of unconscious word recognition in the reader to heighten awareness and sensitivity. I thi nk these articles are good but they lack true kick-in-the-guts emotional power. They talk about torture in the abstract, as something that happens to other people, a â€Å"what if?† situation. They difficult to relate to for an audience that is uninformed or undereducated about a topic. â€Å"The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas†, meanwhile, is ripe with the necessary emotional pull. This is accomplished in part through its genre: it is a fictional short story, not a news or journal article. Ursula Le Guin begins her story by painting an elaborate pictures of an almost surreal, perfect place. Suddenly, however, the story becomes sinister – all of the beauty what weve seen is dependent on the continued torture of one small child. Everyone in town knows about this torture but no one is willing to do anything to stop it knowing that everything they have relies upon its suffering. Only a few people are brave enough to walk away from the town rather than be party to th e abuse. While Le Guins story seems fantastic, it is rooted in reality. She describes the citizens of Omelas at the beginning of the piece as ordinary people, â€Å"not simple folk, not dulcet shepherds, noble savages, bland utopians. They wereShow MoreRelatedEssay on Logical, Ethical, and Emotional Argumentation998 Words   |  4 PagesMany people and organizations use writing and visual methods to persuade readers to their view. In such pieces, the author will use many different tricks and appeals in order to draw the reader to his or her train of thought. According to Andrea Lunsford in her instructional book The Everyday Writer, these appeals can be broken down into three main types – logical, emotional and ethical. A logical argument uses facts, statistics and surveys to back up what the author is saying and is commonly referredRead MoreThe Morality Of Torture Is Always Morally Wrong977 Words   |  4 Pages The morality of torture has been debated for years. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Independent Care Paper - 807 Words

Independent Care Paper CJHS/420 Rebecca Howell Independent Care Paper Case management is not a lifetime service. With the lack of funds available for all the clients in need of service often times termination of service is the only option. In this paper we will examine the process a case manager goes through when termination of services occurs. We will also discuss how independent care will help in continued client growth. Termination of services provided by case management can occur for a large variety of reasons. The main goal of a case manager is to provide the client with all the resources available to meet the client’s needs. By the end of the action plan the client should be prepared and skilled enough to continue without†¦show more content†¦Other less desirable outcomes can include termination due to client noncompliance. Once the client’s needs have been established and the resources have been located the case manager must constantly review the progress of the client and determine if continuing case management service is needed. Terminating the relationship is never an easy process; the case manager must carefully create a termination process depending on the client’s level of dependence in him or her. If a client is heavily dependent on the support of the case manager, the need for a gradual decrease in the amount of contact with the client may need to occur before termination. When planning a termination strategy the case manager determine if the client will lose access to the services and resources once the relationship is terminated. While this may not always be the case often times case management services provided through community based waiver programs will be terminated. So when planning this type of termination the case manager can look for other resources to help the client or decide not to terminate the relationship because the client is still in need of those services. Since the case manager’s main goal is to help the client often times â€Å"Case Conferences†, a meeting between client, caregiver, service provider, and legal counsel, may be needed so the client will not be terminated before he or she receives the needed services (Case Management Society of America, 2010). If aShow MoreRelatedEMR Implementation in Small Independent Practices Essay1155 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology have created growth in the health care industr y. Significant advances in prevention as well as declines in death rates have created a need for a more sophisticated system of record keeping. While monitoring the health of the nation, planning and developing better health services, and delivering effective and efficient care is now more important than ever. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mary Kay Ashs free essay sample

Story By phoebe Mary Kay Ash was a famous American businesswoman and the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. She started her business with a small investment of $5000 in 1963, and soon became one of the most successful business women of her time. Mary Kay Ash was born on 12th May, 1918 in Hot Wells, Harris County, Texas. Her childhood experiences shaped the future of this visionary woman, and with a significant impact to the American history. Due to the illness of her father, her mother worked for 14 hours a day at a local food restaurant to take care of the family, while Mary Kay looked after her father along since she was young. Her mother always put the â€Å"you can do it† spirit in the young Mary’s mind. One time, Mary Kay’s mother went to work and she needed to take care of the illness father at home alone, she had to decoct medicine herbs for her father but she didn’t how to do it. We will write a custom essay sample on Mary Kay Ashs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So she called her mother to teach her step by step on the phone, but little Mary Kay was afraid, but her mother said to her gently †you can do it † . Finally, she did it. Since then, this sentence has inspired her when she encountered difficulties. When she was only seventeen years old, she married Ben Rogers then soon had three children, while her husband went to serve in World War II; she took the job of direct selling of books. Due to her amazing marketing skills, she earned an amazing $25,000 in just six months. While Mary Kay was enjoying her professional success, things at the personal front weren’t that smooth. Her husband was killed on the battlefield, and left her with three children. After her divorce, Mary Kay took up a job with Stanley Home Products, a direct sales firm. She became very successful in selling home care products but didn’t get enough recognition for her work. Her supervisors not only didn’t appreciate her work but also never raise her salaries. However, if a man did what she has done, somehow he can get an award. The inequality between men and women are very obvious in her workplace. So finally she resigned after worked very hard for 25 years in the firm, at the same time she learned a very important lesson of her life that men could not believe that a woman can be successful in business. Mary Kay turned her attention to writing a book, which eventually changed the course of her life and became a plan for her dream company that had innovative marketing plan for women. But her accountant said that she will close down if you start to open it. It’s impossible, She has seen many of these cases that many people went bankrupt within six month. But Mary Kay never heard of it, she believed that she can do it well. In 1963, with an investment of $5000, only a 500 sq. feet store in Dallas, Texas, Mary Kay and her nine zealous beauty consultant started the Mary Kay Cosmetics Company; it was a direct cosmetic products selling company. In the first year of operation, they made a staggering profit of $200,000. In the two years time, Mary Kay Company was selling products worth one million dollars. By this time, the company she created had become a worldwide enterprise with representatives in more than 30 markets. She applied the strategy of giving incentives over good work and started by giving pink Cadillac to the top salespersons of the year. The other incentives included diamond jewelry, bumblebee pins, and 5-star vacations. This strategy really worked and became one of the reasons for company’s success over the years. If you want, do it, you can, this is her famous wisdom and realized the dream for women and a better life of abundance with heart. She also published three best-selling books during her lifetime. Her book, â€Å"Mary Kay on People Management†, another best seller was included in the business courses at Harvard Business School. Mary Kay received many honors and awards during and after her lifetime. In 1976, she received the Hall of fame Award from Direct Selling Association. Two years after that, in 1978, she got the Cosmetic Career Woman of the Year Award from the Cosmetics Career Women, Inc. The same year she received the Horatio Alger Distinguished American Citizen Award from Horatio Alger Association and so on. Mary Kay Ash passed away on 22nd Nov, 2001. She was buried in the Sparkman-Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery in Dallas, Texas. She is the greatest women I paid my full respect to her. She gives women the courage to fulfill our dream not only in Mary Kay Company but also another business sectors and proved that not only men can be successful in business but also women can be. Yes, she did it. It’s a very good piece of work, the detail information are very clear. But it will be a good idea to give one or two more examples on how she relate idea of â€Å"you can do it† in her later successful business life.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Evidence Based Nursing Research Plan

Question: Discuss about the Evidence Based Nursing Research Plan. Answer: Introduction: This is an evidence-based plan for the education of client, which is centered, on a 48 years old female named Cassie Grieve. She is diagnosed with Melanoma four years before when she had gone for a biopsy of a mole on her right arm. Melanoma is also sometimes referred to malignant melanoma is one type of cancer which is developed from the cells containing a pigment called melanocytes. Melanocytes are melanin-producing cells present in the bottom layer of the epidermis of the skin. Melanin is a type of pigment principally responsible for the colour of the skin. The skin is mainly affected by melanoma. However, it also occurs rarely in the mouth, intestine, and eye. Reports give evidence that melanoma commonly occurs in the legs of the woman and in the back of the men. In some cases, it is developed from a mole which is concerned with the changes like irregular shapes, increase in size, itchiness, change in colour, etc. Melanoma is caused mainly due to the exposure to ultraviolet light (Lindqvist et al ., 2014.). The source of UV light may be the sun or other source of UV light. 25% of melanoma occurs in the people, who have a history of affected family members, having weak immune system also are at severe risk, it is also very common among the peoples who many moles in their body. The diagnosis of melanoma is mainly made by biopsy of the concerned lesion. Melanoma may be prevented by the use of sunscreen or by avoiding exposure to ultraviolet light. The typical treatment of melanoma is removal by surgery. For the larger cancers, the lymph nodes present nearby should be tested because there remain a chance of spreading. About 90 percent of the patients are cured if they have no spreading of melanoma. But if spreading of melanoma occurs then the use of chemotherapy, biologic therapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy can be utilized for the improvement of the survival time of the patient. The spreading of melanoma depends on the thickness of the melanoma and on the rates of the cell division (Jones et al., 2016). It is evident from the reports of 2012 that the most dangerous type of skin cancer is melanoma. About 232000 peoples are reported to have melanoma and among the 55000 died of it (Du et al., 2015). In the world, Australia and New Zealand, have the highest rates of melanoma. Whereas it is less common in Africa and Asia (Ferlay et al., 2015). Melanoma is reported more frequently in men than in woman (Lazovich et al., 2016). 3 to 5 percent of patients having malignant melanoma are reported to have developed further lesion or a different type of skin cancer (Weide et al., 2014). Cassie lives together with her partner named Jason in a longstanding De Facto relationship. For about ten years, she used to smoke two packets of cigarettes every day, but she has stopped it from March 2010. Cassies mother stays 20 minutes away from her home. She visits her mother on a regular basis. Her father died of lungs cancer, and her maternal grandmother died of breast cancer. Four years back when she had gone for a biopsy of a mole on her right arm, she was detected with melanoma. At that time, she has gone for a wide excision and biopsy of sentinel lymph node of right axilla, but it gave a negative result for the presence of malignant cells. Previously the medical history of Cassie reveals that she used to have migraine headaches and asthma. The last four months history of Cassie shows that she had back pain in the right inner lower scapula. This pain occasionally radiates to her right iliac area or her upper ribs. To find out the reason for the pain she had gone for a full body CT scan that revealed that there is large mass in the right lobe of her liver. To get a partial resection of her liver Cassie was admitted in Wide Bay Hospital and after her discharge from the hospital, she says that she has fewer headaches than the usually she used to have. She used to have a dry cough occasionally, but she is having it for last two months. She denies for nausea, haemoptysis, vomiting, Chest or abdominal pain. She also does not have any general weakness or weight loss. On keeping her on observation, it was found that she had a temperature of 36.8C, Pulse rate of 68 per minute, Blood Pressure of 100/64, and respiratory rate of 16 per minute. Cassie was administered with Panadeine Forte PRN to control her pain. She has to take che motherapy in two weeks time as an out-patient client. The chemotherapy of Cassie will be of interferon-alpha via a port-a-cath and Dacarbazine for six weeks. Disfigurement or some death is caused by skin cancer. As the skin cancer occurs on the skin surface so it can be detected as early as it starts to develop. Though 85 to 95 percent of the skin cancer can be cured just by taking some simple precautions (Julien 2013). The nurses specialize in all aspect has a vital role in managing skin cancer. They must know what advice they should provide to the patient. The nurses should keep in knowledge how to avail appropriate services and information to the patient. The nurses are there to implement strategies for the prevention of opportunistic skin cancer. An educational session on two specific topics of client education should be provided to the patient keeping the fact in mind that individuals preferred learning style is different because it is totally dependent on the style of learning that how an individual will identifies focuses, gathers and processes information and thus ensures that the new information and skills are learnt in a memorable way. The individuals who are accustomed with visual learning must be taught with the use of images and pictures. The patient should be taught very vividly about the adverse effect of the UV light on melanoma. The patients also should be taught how to examine pigmented lesions, recognize the sign of melanoma, the patient should be able to understand who is having a risk and know what action should be taken if they found a questionable lesion. The nurses also have to convince the patients and have to change their sun-seeking behavior into the sun avoiding the behavior. Preventive health strategi es are categorized traditionally with respect to the stage of the disease. The primary strategies include early age health education that influences attitudes and subsequent behaviors to prevent disease before it begins and can be achieved by health promotion and major health campaigns. The primary targets of these health campaigns are the adolescents, children and the parents of them. Especially the children should be protected from the exposure to intense sunlight because the risk of melanoma in late life increases due to the severe blistering suns burns in childhood. It does not mean that people must deny the outdoor leisure time, but they should be acutely aware of the link between excessive sun exposure and skin cancer. Prevention of sun damage during childhood should be emphasizing the most. A very successful strategy that is used in Australian schools is "No Hat, No Play" policy (Parrish et al., 2016). Nowadays the British schools are also using this system. The second strategy of effective client education is that the patient should be encouraged to be able to self-examination. It is very much crucial for the community-based nurses that they must have enough knowledge that can identify the suspicious lesion. The nurses see the skins of the patients more than any other health professional, so the knowledge of early clinical signs of skin cancer is very important for the nurses. In some cases, the advanced melanoma cannot be cured, and it is sometimes fatal. In such situations the nurses are required to provide psychological support, holistic care, education and care the patient at the time of decline and death. The contributions, the nurses can make to promote a healthy lifestyle and ensure the early detection of skin cancer are: The nurses should encourage the behaviors that will prevent cancer. The nurses are considered as the teacher for the patient in the matter of health issues so it is the basic duty of the nurse teach the patient and as well as the general public about the skin cancer, especially the malignant melanoma also the nurses should explain that skin cancer is curable in most of the cases. The nurse should perform tailored education programs so that they can advocate the early detection of skin cancer. If it is found that the health programs for the promotion of awareness of skin cancer among the peoples are successful, then the nurses need to be made knowledgeable about the skin cancer. The activities should be like such that the nurse must become a role model to the family members of the patient that how she deal with the patient and how she maintain all the activities of the patient so that the patient does not do any such behavior that the patient promotes the chance of relapse of cancer. To achieve this, it is required to develop an education program for the nurses on the importance of melanomas and skin cancer. This should be presented as a computer slide presentation. So the matter to be taken into consideration are firstly is to protect the skin from the damaging sun rays. The medication must be done cautiously because there are some medicines, which can generate photosensitivity (Long et al., 2016). Tanning beds should be avoided, as they are responsible for the emission of ultraviolet rays that are more intense than that are emitted from the sun (Oboite Love 2016). Lastly, it is very important to take a monthly skin examination which starts from the head and ends at toes (Di Franco et al ., 2013). Early detection is the key to survival so mirrors must be used check areas which are difficult to see (De Angelis et al., 2014). Reference: De Angelis, R., Sant, M., Coleman, M. P., Francisci, S., Baili, P., Pierannunzio, D., ... Bielska-Lasota, M. (2014). Cancer survival in Europe 19992007 by country and age: results of EUROCARE-5a population-based study.The lancet oncology,15(1), 23-34. Di Franco, R., Sammarco, E., Calvanese, M. G., De Natale, F., Falivene, S., DiLecce, A., ... Muto, P. (2013). Preventing the acute skin side effects in patients treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer: the use of corneometry in order to evaluate the protective effect of moisturizing creams.Radiation Oncology,8(1), 1. Du, F., Yang, M., Fang, J., Jing, C. (2015). Primary hepatic malignant melanoma: a case report.International journal of clinical and experimental pathology,8(2), 2199. Ferlay, J., Soerjomataram, I., Dikshit, R., Eser, S., Mathers, C., Rebelo, M., ... Bray, F. (2015). Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012.International journal of cancer,136(5), E359-E386. Jones, A. M., Ferguson, P., Gardner, J., Rooker, S., Sutton, T., Ahn, A., ... Kenwright, D. (2016). NRAS and EPHB6 mutation rates differ in metastatic melanomas of patients in the North Island versus South Island of New Zealand.Oncotarget,5. Julien, R. M. (2013).A primer of drug action: A concise nontechnical guide to the actions, uses, and side effects of psychoactive drugs, revised and updated. Holt Paperbacks. Lazovich, D., Vogel, R. I., Weinstock, M. A., Nelson, H. H., Ahmed, R. L., Berwick, M. (2016). Association between indoor tanning and melanoma in younger men and women.JAMA dermatology,152(3), 268-275. Lindqvist, P. G., Epstein, E., Landin Olsson, M., Ingvar, C., Nielsen, K., Stenbeck, M., Olsson, H. (2014). Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for all cause mortality: results from the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort.Journal of internal medicine,276(1), 77-86 Long, M., Weaver, K., Kappelman, M., Herfarth, H., Pipkin, C. (2016). P-047 Pilot Study of Skin Cancer Risk Factors and Photosensitivity in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Newly Initiating Immunosuppression.Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,22, S24. Oboite, M. E., Love, P. B. (2016). Discoid Lupus Erythematosus. InClinical Cases in Skin of Color(pp. 3-13). Springer International Publishing. Parrish, A. M., Okely, A. D., Batterham, M., Cliff, D., Magee, C. (2016). PACE: A group randomised controlled trial to increase children's break-time playground physical activity.Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,19(5), 413-418. Weide, B., Eigentler, T. K., Pflugfelder, A., Zelba, H., Martens, A., Pawelec, G., ... Gutzmer, R. (2014). Intralesional treatment of stage III metastatic melanoma patients with L19IL2 results in sustained clinical and systemic immunologic responses.Cancer immunology research,2(7), 668-678.