Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Haven't decided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Haven't decided - Essay Example Next, it explains the reason why the state of nature leads to war. Moreover, it defines the first, second, and third laws of nature and their interrelationships. Finally, it asserts that the role of coercive power allows people to obey the laws of nature. A law of nature refers to a general law that comes from human reason, wherein people are restricted from acting destructively against life, or from removing the means to protect life, and, at the same time, this law requires people to pursue self-preservation (Hobbes 80). This view of the law of nature indicates that reason follows the basic instinct for the preservation of human life above all, most especially, one’s life before others. Hobbes knows that people find it reasonable to want to protect their life; hence, it refers to a law of nature. The fundamental interest of people is to protect their life, although the means to attaining it can vary. Following this reason in the state of nature inevitably leads to war because of the perceived belief that people have a right to defend themselves or to attack others for the goal of promoting their personal interests. Hobbes believes that people, by nature, are competitive and selfish. For instance, a king who has a piece of la nd may naturally want to expand it to improve his wealth and power. As a result, he will go to war with another king or any other people or group who possess land. The law of nature compels him to go to war. Nevertheless, the same law of nature suggests that people can also value their self-preservation by agreeing on peace, which also protects their lives and allows them freedom to pursue other rights. A king who does not want war may say to another king who desires war that he is willing to yield power to the latter. In this case, the former king uses reason to preserve his right to life without necessarily resorting to

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Graduate level Economic question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Graduate level Economic question - Assignment Example The outlook beyond 2012 is positive, where investments from the EU, Japan, China etc resume, and banking hubs like HK and Singapore resume expansion in developed economies. The deficit shall continue to increase for the foreseeable future. The government is printing like never before to keep the impact from its citizens. Due to this huge unsupported cash in the economy, the result shall be a hyper-inflationary trend that shall fuel an even tighter control on spending from consumers. The result will be a sudden loss of the US dollar’s purchasing power, causing other countries to exit long term treasury bonds to safer pastures (Williams 13). As soon as that happens, the bottom will fall out of the markets, as the others’ fear of American collapse will not fuel the support to the dollar, as the US shall have internally made it’s currency worthless. Federal reserve Policies will focus on a sustained purchase of gold to back the huge amount of dollars not backed by any assets, thereby causing gold to soar, and therefore become unaffordable to America itself. The feds will have to raise interest rates to protect the dollar, causing a fur ther slowdown in demand (Williams